About Us

Our dedicated forensic specialists are committed to delivering thorough, unbiased investigations. We turn complex evidence into clear, actionable insights for legal and private cases.

Experienced Expertise

Professional Experience

20 years of experience conducting trace evidence and impression analysis on forensic evidence as a part of criminal investigations. Served as the technical lead of the Trace Evidence Section at the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for 12 years. Current president of the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners (ASTEE). Has been an active member of NIST OSAC Materials Subcommttee since its inception and has participated in drafting ASTM standards.


Experience performing analyses to characterize, compare, and identify the chemical and physical properties of evidentiary items including the physical and chemical analysis of hair, paint, polymers, tape, glass, building materials, filaments, ignitable liquids, unknown materials, and impressions (footwear, tire, fabric, etc.).

Utilizes many analytical techniques including microscopy (including PLM and fluorescence), Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy (FTIR), microspectrophotometry, pyrolysis gas chromatography with mass spectrometry and flame ionized detection (GC-MS, PGC-MS and PGC-FID), scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), glass refractive index measurement (GRIM), and other techniques.

Has responded to and processed over 100 crime scenes which include homicides, officer involved shootings, kidnappings, criminal vehicular operation, sexual assault, and assault as a member of a crime scene team.

Technical leader for the Trace Evidence Section for 12 years which involved quality assurance monitoring of laboratory instrumentation, methods, operating procedures, and safety practices, the training of scientists, and the validation and implementation of test methods and instrumentation.

Certified ANAB Technical Assessor conducting numerous audits to ISO 17025:2017 and ANAB AR3125.

Expert Testimony

Has testified as an expert witness for forensic examinations of hair (including ancestry, body origin, suitability for DNA and comparisons ), impressions (including footwear, tire tracks, and database searches), glass, paint, physical Match, chemical unknowns, and crime scene processing.


American Board Certified (ABC) Examiner in Paints and Polymers

American Board Certified (ABC) Examiner in Hairs and Fibers

International Association for Identification (IAI) Certified Footwear Examiner

Certified technical auditor for the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB AR3125 and ISO 17025:2005 standards)

Professional Involvement

Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (MAFS) – Member (10/06)

International Association of Identification (IAI) – Member (02/07)

Minnesota Microscopy Society (MMS) – Member (10/06)

The American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners (ASTEE) – Charter Member (1/10)

· President-Elect/President- 01/2023 to 12/2024

· Executive Secretary – 07/2017 to 12/2022

Minnesota Division of IAI- Member (10/12)

American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)- Member (06/20)

NIST Organization of Scientific Area Committees- Materials

· Affiliate (05/15 to 10/18)

· Voting Member (10/18 to Current)

· Chair of Hair Task Group

· Chair of Trace Evidence Recovery Task Group